Monday 20 August 2012

Week 4 - Marketing

How would you market one of the hotels on this page. Use the marketing mix for services marketing as a framework.


  1. Phoenix segaia Resort:
    In terms of place, this is a place where consumers can physically go to get their service. It is a totally new concept, thus drumming up the hype for this indoor beach would be easy as people are fascinated by new and innovative ways to do their hobbies. Through this concept they are catering to the physiological, as people see the beach as relaxing, and spending time ‘outdoors’ and being active as important to their emotional well being.
    They are catering to people who enjoy going to the beach but cannot due to changes in the seasons so they are satisfying the needs of consumers who have the money to do this. They are also catering to sun sensitive people and are now tapping into a whole new target market here for those who are skin conscious. This means that they can promote their service through recommendations by skin doctors etc.
    The culture of this place is very much that of a relaxed, warm and obviously beachy nature. Therefore employees and staff would be required to be dressed in appropriate attire. This would also appeal to the people who frequent this place as it would make the entire experience seem more real, especially if the employees are ‘buying in’ to their service.
    In order for this concept to succeed, the appropriate technology would be necessary as people would want the sea to have waves etc.
    I would personally market this through an internet ‘interactive website’ that potential consumers can go to and click on the site to see and even hear the sea water, sounds of fun and laughter to entice potential clients to go there. This would further appeal to their emotions thus appealing to them on a physiological level. On this site there can be a virtual tour of the place so that consumers can get a feel for the indoor beach as many might be sceptical of its authenticity and wouldn’t want to pay for something that would not provide them with the same utility that going to an actual beach would.

  2. The hotels on the link above really are one of a kind and will definitely be appealing to different markets across the globe. If i were to pick one and were to design a marketing strategy, I would go for the indoor beach at Phoenix Seagaia Resort.

    Product: Resort in Japan, offers a variety of luxury amusement services as well as sports facilities. The highlight, of course, is the indoor beach. A clever reconstruction of a typical white sand beach with deep blue clear salt water and fresh palm trees minus the sun's harsh rays.

    Price: Admission could be reasonably priced. Costs to maintain the facility could be cross subsidized by other lucrative services on offer at the resort. (for example the spa, gourmet restaurants etc)

    Place: Located in Miyazaki, Japan. Many other tourist attractions in the area.

    People: People who enjoy the beach be it local or foreign tourists, people who love the general atmosphere at the beach excluding the tan, people who can afford to travel to Japan on holiday.

    Promotion/Process/Packaging: pop up adds online, posters and brochures at travel agencies,short films that can be played in flight on different global airlines, create a website for the resort

    Physical evidence: photos, short films, get in touch with a sponsor and reward customers with a trip to the resort to confirm its existence (creates word of mouth marketing, free and efficient promotional tool)

  3. The Marketing Mix for services is as follows:
    People, Process, Pysical Evidence and Packaging.

    I choose the last hotel, The Exploranter Hotel.

    I believe that the marketing of this hotel could be done largely the same as the marketing for agencies such as Top Deck travel adn Contiki. These two student based comapnies promote cheaper travel and constant moving around certain countries to explore.

    I believe that students/ young people would eb the best to market this to as they are still limber to climb into the hotel rooms and still willing to be a little less comfortatble (less than staying in hotels) to save some money and to still get the experience of travel.

    It is also already proven to work as that is where Top Deck got their name; they used to own double decker busses that used to drive around with its guests on board and they would sit on the bottom level and have beds on the top level. Top Deck is now one of the leading 'cheaper' travel agencies around.

    Therefore i would market this on facebook and in universities and through STA Travel. They would be able to tap directly into the target market and therefore have the most effective marketing strategy.

    Therefore the people are young peopel who are adventurous and looking to travel on a budget. The process of marketing is through agencies such as STA Travel. And finally, the Pysical Evidence and Packaging are in the product, 'travelling on wheels'.

  4. The marketing mix of a service company is made up of several factors, these are: Product, Place, Price, Promotion, People, Process and Physical environment. In our lectures this week we spoke about how service based companies generally try to translate their services into a product form as the customer feels like they are getting something back for their money and can relate easier to this. In promoting these hotels i would definitely try to portray this message across to customers. I would plan to achieve this by assessing the current and previous market history for these hotels and use the marketing mix accordingly. Personally when choosing a new hotel i look at reviews, comments and ratings of the specific hotel. I think that looking at the product (hotel) and People would be one of the first aspects to look at. It is very important to know and understand the product in order to ascertain what exactly you are promoting and determining if any changes need to made. Due to the fact that we would be promoting a service that focuses on extreme hotels that may attract a more adventurous clientele I think that a modern approach needs to be adopted. By this I mean that different packages for each extreme hotel can be created for the customer. These would need to be promoted online and with brochures with travel agents all around the world. Technology such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube could be used to create awareness. Videos of the different hotels could be uploaded to help portray to the customers what and amazing experience each hotel offers. All of these sites can be linked to the website. An application could also be created with tours to show the customer what is on offer. As mentioned previously, creating packages for the customers will help form a pricing strategy and "productise" the service. A great way would to have a limited offer promotion on a site such as Groupon for a specific time period. By using so many different promotional platforms a large target audience will be able to be reached. This will also help boost word of mouth. Due to the fact that these hotel are so unique i think that the employees need to help emphasize this throughout the sales process and at all "customer touch points". Whilst visiting Unilever these holidays i realised that understand the customer forms one of the largest parts for the business. I think due to the fact that these hotels are very unique and would be considered a "novelty" hotel that the customers need to feel this from the first interaction with the them. From the website to brochures, videos etc.. This will help build a relationship with the customer and in the end entice them in.

    1. Specifically I would choose The Ice Hotel as this is the original and largest of its kind. It offers visitors a unique mix of art, nature and luxury. By using the above mentioned strategy with The Ice Hotel, would hopefully help sell the experience.

  5. Phoenix Seagaia Indoor Beach

    In place marketing, the expectations of the customer have to be met and the product being market is consumed or enjoyed at the place of its location.

    People: I would aim this beach to individuals who love the beach, trying out new things out of the norm, perhaps have sensitive skin since the beach provides cover.

    Product: The product is the roof-covered beach and it's package as well as the experience and memories of Miyazaki, Japan, this place will give to the consumers.

    Price & Physical: As this is a new and fresh ideas in terms of tourism destination, I would charge a slightly higher price for the package than most other holiday packages. This would help to sift the market and give me the higher-end consumers of the market. The image that the beach creates must go with the value. Furthermore, the price will be a reflection of the physical environment of the place which is smart, relaxing, different and offers many facilities.

    Promotion: I would promote the image and value of the beach as well as Japan through the many channels that the internet offers e.g. social networks, youtube promotional videos, and a website for the destination. The key is to make Japan a favourable destination by showing the attractions and activities it has to offer so that the consumer can get their travel costs' worth in that visit. Furthermore, sending brochures and promotional, slightly discounted prices for a travel package to the destination would be a good way to promote and even having signboards outside these offices to catch people's attention especially at upper-market malls.

  6. The services marketing mix uses a combination of; product, place, price, promotion, people, process and physical environment in relation to a target market to develop a marketing strategy. I looked at these aspects to develop a marketing strategy for the Poseidon Undersea Resort.

    Product: The Resort offers the service of accommodation. (Note that services are intangible in nature) Through accommodation the resort satisfies one of our most basic human needs, shelter/safety. (As indicated by Maslow’s pyramid of human needs) The key is market the service so that it is not only a need but a want as well. The resort does this conversion quite well. It transitions the need for shelter, to a want to be sheltered underwater and sleep in a coral reef.

    Place: The resort is situated forty feet underwater in the blue Lagoon in Fiji. Fiji is a tropical island situated east of Australia. The location of the resort is very unique as it is the first of its kind. It therefore offers spectacular views that can be seen nowhere else in the world.

    Price: Price is determined by demand, supply, competition, income levels and economic trends. The threat of substitute products is low as the hotel offers such a unique facility of sleeping forty feet underwater. The closest substitutes would be other hotels offering accommodation with snorkelling or submarine facilities. The threat of new entrants into underwater accommodation is low due to time and cost to construct therefore supply is limited. Through the economic law of supply and demand, prices can be high as supply is so low. It is however to important to keep in mind the income levels of potential customers. If the price is too high customers will not pay for the service. (Equilibrium must be found)

    Promotion: Promotion refers to the medium of advertising used. As we are living in a technological age, a website is an effective way to advertise. This allows customers to see the benefits of the services provided by the resort from the comfort if their own homes. Travel agents are key as they can suggest the resort to customers already wanting to travel. As the resort is the first of its kind publicity will be a great way to advertise. A documentary could be done on the construction of the resort on channels like Discovery or the Travel channel. Other forms of advertising are brochures, radio and billboards.

    People: People are your employees. Your employees are a key component to the service you provide. Their behaviour towards you customers defines whether your customers will come back or suggest the resort to friends and family. The resort should pay special attention to training employees to ensure they have good interpersonal skills and are focused on customer satisfaction.

    Process: Process is the manner in which the service is provided. The resort should focus on providing a positive experience with excellent service.

    Physical environment: Even though services are intangible in nature, it is important to attach a tangible aspect to the service provided. Customers like to walk away with the feeling that they got something more than the intangible service they paid for. In terms of the resort, this is done by the ambiance created. As the resort is underwater, it is surrounded by crystal blue water, a beautiful coral reef and occupants are constantly visited various schools of fish.

    Therefore by use of “place marketing” customers will be drawn from all around the world to see this unique development and experience the services provided.

  7. In marketing Poseidon Underwater Resort I would use the marketing mix as follows:

    Product/Service: Poseidon offers serenity and adventure by transforming an aquatic fantasy of ‘living underwater and enjoying the beauty of life in the ocean’ into a reality. The consumer is able to observe sea creatures and coral plantation without the need to wear underwater gear; enjoying the view in the comfort of a bed or while having a meal in the restaurant.

    Place: The resort is situated 40 feet underwater in the Fijian Lagoon.

    People & Process: Focusing attention on both the employees and the customers contributes to the success of a firm. Training and supporting employees will result in satisfied and productive employees who will deliver good services to customers. Service should be consumer-orientated and not profit-driven; making the customer feel like they are the most important person at that particular point in time.

    Physical evidence: Refers to visible touchpoints; because service is intangible, include pictures of the Resort in brochures and share video links to show that Poseidon does really exist.

    Promotion can be done through:
    o Advertising – use of media i.e. TV, radio, newspapers, billboards, posters, etc.
    o Sales promotion – an incentive in the form of discounts or coupons to encourage customers to purchase the service Poseidon has to offer.
    o Public relations – establishing a good corporate image and having press releases

    Price: In pricing the service offered by the Resort I would take into account factors such as competition, demand, economic conditions, profit/return, pricing objectives and policies, etc. Perhaps price to attract more customers.

  8. I have chosen the Phoenix Seagaia Resort in Japan.

    Product : This resort offers many different activities to cater to many families needs. The main attraction of course being the indoor beach. For those that are not a fan of just being at the beach all day there are a number of different activities which the resort also provides, these include a spa, tennis and golf.

    Place: the resort is situated in Japan. On the coast of the Pacific ocean. The resort is situated near many local attractions and the resort provides transport from major cities and places.

    People: this aspect focuses on the employees and there interactions with the customers. Employees need to be well trained and know how to deal with customers. It is how the customers tpare treated by employees that add to the good or bad experiences of the customer.

    Price: the resort needs to decide on their prices. They must take consideration of factors such as demand and supply, profit, economic trends and conditions and other similar companies prices. They might also want to vary prices with seasons as demand normally fluctuates.

    Promotion: this resort has absolutely superb facilities, and by getting these know to the public would be a good way to advertise. They must let it be known that the main attraction is the indoor beach but also that the resort caters to a number of different people. Advertising can be done through media, newspapers, billboards. One of the most effective would be travel agents.

    Process: they resort should cater ton the needs of all their customers and doing so making their experience a very enjoyable one.

  9. Poseidon Undersea Resort

    The elements of the marketing mix consist of - product, price, promotion and place.

    Clearly the product will be the hotel, which in this case, will contain physical attributes unique to the majority of other hotels. It will still perform the same functions of others, but in a more pedantic way. Ideally with marketing you want to get your audience to believe that your product is different and furthermore, needed. Generally in this day and age there are hundreds of products for each need and want, so therefore the marketing strategy is what ends up being the key seller. In this case the fact that the hotel is underwater will be used as a key strategy to draw the interest of potential clients. Clearly this attribute will be used in the marketing of the hotel to illustrate that it is different and perhaps better than the competitors, and that the benefit of it being underwater will create an experience like no other.

    With regards to price, well this may require some extra thought because the price plays a large role in the target market of people that will come to the hotel. The cost to build such a structure will be very expensive so therefore it’s likely that it will be quite expensive to stay at this hotel. Therefore the target market will be those in a middle to high income bracket.

    To promote this hotel would be interesting. I would use all different kinds of media to create awareness. The unique features of the hotel will draw interest and attract curious clients wanting to have an experience like never before. My feeling is that this hotel will serve to accommodate more holiday makers than business people. So therefore it would be part of the strategy to promote this hotel through all areas that people planning holidays would be, such as travel agencies for example.

    With regards to place, well here the strategy would be to promote that there is no other hotel situated in a place like this. The idea would be to market an experience, one that makes people feel they must try it.

  10. All of the hotels listed on the page offer a unique experience to the customer. This unique experience should be emphasised to potential clients through whatever form of marketing that may be used.

    For example, the Ice Hotel should be sold to people as a once in a life-time opportunity which is truly a unique experience - one which can't be had anywhere else. Added to this is the exclusivity that the hotel is rebuilt every winter after it had melted the previous summer.

    The above creates for a product that should be sold to people seeking special experiences. The product will perform all the functions of a 'regular' hotel, except that it will be built totally from ice.

    The price for such a product would naturally come at a premium since no other product such as this exists. Additionally, the cost of constructing and maintaining the hotel would also involve additional expertise and cost.

    Marketing the hotel shouldn't be too difficult in my opinion. With the power of the web, the uniqueness of this hotel will create its own hype once its put out there. Naturally though, all the traditional marketing media's such as print should nonetheless be followed as well.

  11. Underwater resort:

    *Product*- I think out of all the hotels,this one offers the most unique experience. With the world so developed the deep blue is still a great mystry to man- thus build up on consumers curiosity of this part of nature entails. Not only would you have accomadation aspect but the whole trip gettign down to the hotel can be valuable to marketing this hotel as well, (as mentioned they implimenting a elevator down soon). This hotel service should zone in on new technology, safety and prestige that it has to offer.

    *Place*- The resort location is fixed, but where it is situation is its main drawing card- the fact that its under water.
    As marketing distribution: I think its most direct distrubution would be in and around the Fijii Lagoon, a tour kiosk on beach, billboards and perhaps even on boats/yatchs laying in the lagoon.

    I then think that indirect measures will need to be done to reach further, global market but to still kepp its prestige only advertise with selected retailors. Have own website, be available on prestige collective hotel sites and pamphlets in high star ranking hotels (as the hotel is so unique it would be possible to work inline with other hotels).

    *Price*- I can only imagine how costly the maintenance of such a hotel will be and so I think price would be expensive- luxuary level expense, so to keep it prestige, exclussive will be abble to market with high prices.

    *Promotion*- As mentineed previously I think would be able to work with other hotels in aquiring some of their high end client, offereing experience of a one night underwater stay.
    Also if the hotel has a restaurant, have it open to the public for them to also get a piece of this magical experience, as previously mentioned, its the travelling/tour of going down that can also be a draw card, marketing strength.

  12. The underwater hotel

    Product: From the images the hotel is fantastically designed, where each room is typically a capsule of glass in the sea, giving an almost 360 degree view of the water. Being submerged gives something new to the idea of a 'cool' hotel, offering something that no other hotel offers (that i know of).

    Place: UNDER WATER! Okay its in Fiji, 40 feet submerged in a lagoon. But its UNDER WATER! Fiji is a beautiful country with a good sevens rugby team. That could draw tourists (mainly for the beautiful scenery and not the rugby team) and when they leave their awesome hotel room of clear blue water views, they emerge to view a land with beautiful greenery too.

    Price: Would be high cost per night. Initial costs to build the hotel must have been extraordinary and the outcome matches its cost. The upkeep must be very costly too and its only viable to charge top prices but it could divert potential customers to other hotels. I assume this is a luxury hotel and it is crucial that demand is high enough to warrant a high price.

    Promotion: Be like spongebob square pants and "live in a pineapple (hotel) under the sea!" On a serious note i would suggest promotion to people who are not claustrophobic, obviously, and maybe to people who cant swim. Now you can swim, while sleeping! Perhaps a joint venture with a top class seafood restaurant, the ultimate sea experience, would increase publicity and tourist attraction.

    People: Security guards would consist of Olympian swimmers and the best life guards. Of course the usual of cooking, cleaning staff and room service would be needed.

    Process: I think this is how service is delivered. Well it would be run effectively and efficiently. Friendly service who puts the customer first. The norm for a top-end hotel.

    Physical environment: To please the customer with a service is tough. Customers like something tangible to feel they have gained something from the money they have spent. Free shampoo and soap not enough, the experience of sleeping with the fish(es) and being able tell the tale after should be enough to make anyone feel their money was well spent.

  13. Poseidon Undersea Resort

    In terms of the ‘service marketing mix’, in relation to the marketing of hotels, I think the most relative factors are Product, Physical Environment, People, Process and Promotion.
    In marketing services, there is a distinct difference with the sale of goods in that services are largely intangible –i.e. you are unable to see, hear, touch, taste or feel them. Marketers therefore need to express the utility that may be gained from such service, making the consumer feel that they are indeed gaining something of worth.
    Hence the aim of the marketing exercise should be to sell a lifestyle and new experience to the consumer. This starts with the design and technology of the ‘product’, i.e. hotel. The hotel clearly ‘sells itself’ in this respect, with a truly unique underwater experience. This state of the art cutting technology should be emphasised in the marketing exercise, indicating the physical environment such as the range of facilities and the levels of comfort offered. In regards to people, a culture of customer service should be a main focus, to give the consumer the full experience of what is a unique experience.
    To gain initial exposure for the hotel, I would approach magazines which have mental connotations of travel and nature. Examples include National Geographic or Getaway; or other such publications globally. A special offer could be presented in the magazine, or a competition for a trip to the hotel could be included – increasing awareness. An advert with amazing footage of the hotel and its underwater surroundings could be put on travel channels, or other like TV entities such as Discovery or National Geographic, appealing to the explorers of this world. Focus should be placed on the ‘out of this world’ nature that the hotel possesses.

  14. The hotel I chose to do my marketing mix on was the Ice Hotel. I will be briefly going into the product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical environment of the product and analysing how they can be used affect the overall perception of the hotel.
    The product the consumer would be getting from staying at this hotel is a unique experience. The design of the hotel itself is done completely in ice offering very different experiences dependant on the season. During the summer the hotel consists of many free flowing streams that add to the ambience of the hotel, while in the winter the hotel offers ridged perfection. By drawing attention to the unique experience and the seasonal changes, the hotel will be able to attract consumers all year.
    The Hotel is situated in the village Jukkasjavi, Sweden. Jukkasjavi is a small village consisting of just over 500 inhabitants. The location of the hotel offers a quiet getaway from the busy lifestyles we have become accustomed too. The hotel is located 12Km from the airport. This means that customers will reach the hotel shortly after landing and be allowed to relax and take in the splendour that is the Ice Hotel.
    The Pricing strategy that should be considered is the use price discrimination; the hotel could offer portions of the hotels out at higher prices and others out at lower prices. However the most effective form of pricing strategy would be to adopt a seasonal approach to pricing, during periods of high tourism the hotel rooms should be sold at a premium and during tourist lows the hotel can drop their room, prices to basically cost too attract customers and cover the fixed cost accrued in the hotel.
    The promotion of the hotel is very important, while the concept of a hotel constructed out of ice is enough to attract many customers; the issue of creating awareness around the hotel is the key to its marketing success. At the forefront of creating awareness for the hotel would be the promotion tool specials offers. By allowing special offers the customers using the special offer create a bond with the hotel, and if the customers experience is a memorable one then the customer is likely to spread awareness of the hotel through word of mouth.
    The people associated with the hotel need to all share and promoted the same values of the hotel. This is done through effective management of the staff of the hotel. Consumers are very sensitive to the atmosphere of a product and the people involved in the service can have a large influence on the atmosphere.
    The processes should be handled by travel agent and through the website. It is important that the travel agent is fully briefed on the hotel to support the values of the hotel and be able to share this with the customers. The website needs to capture the essence of the hotel and portray it to the customers in a way so that they are intrigued and inspired.
    Finally the physical environment of the ice hotel must be immaculate. Ice gives the impression of something being pure and the hotel should keep with this impression. The staff needs to be efficient and the service must be on time and not keep the consumers waiting. The greatest lasting impressions people take home with them is how they were treated during their stay.

  15. Phoenix Seagaia Resort
    I see the product as almost selling itself. Imagine a destination that is always warm and light, always comfortable anytime you attend it. The indoor beach resort offers this, an almost guaranteed good time.
    The marketing I would think would be in travel agencies, magazines, and the internet. The type of people would be the type looking for a guaranteed good holiday or weekend away. People like convenience these current days and consumers vacation times are decreasing worldwide as the average person works harder to earn more money. What better way than to have a holiday or weekend away that has good weather the whole period. I think certain people are looking for this because they don’t want to waste time looking for destinations and trying to predict the weather as we all know can be highly unpredictable especially if we have to book way in advance.
    All the services of relaxing on the beach, playing a match of tennis or even a round of golf can be achieved at the Resort and knowing the guarantee of good weather you sure will not be thinking about sitting inside and not getting your true value of your hard earned money wasted.

  16. The Ice Hotel:
    Product: The ‘product’ offered/ the experience of the hotel will be subject to the weather conditions of the winter season thus providing a unique experience each season and thus drawing customers in this regard.
    Price: due to the fact that the experience for the consumers is dependent on the seasonal changes. The prices should be one that can be adapted towards these changes and ultimately the inflow of consumers.
    Place: the hotel is located in a quiet town where consumers are able to access the hotel within half an hour of arriving at the airport. It will offer a getaway to our busy lifestyles and provide a peaceful experience.
    Promotion: the fact that the hotel is unique in its structure is sufficient for the promotion. However it can only be ‘unique’ if people are aware of it. Therefore the best way to promote this type of hotel is to create awareness. Airports, ski resorts, winter getaways to name a few would be ideal places to create awareness.
    People: since the idea is to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. All the staff should be managed in such a way that they can portray this through their actions, dress code etc. Therefore enhancing the atmosphere created by the hotel itself.
    Process: efficiency of services provided should be the primary goal and this should be reflected through all the aspects such as advertising, friendliness etc.
    Physical Environment: Ice gives a clean and pure feeling coupled together with a contemporary aspect. This can easily be created through the use of the physical environment but other factors such as staff behavior, efficiency etc.

  17. The one common factor between all of these hotels is that they are all so unique, in their design as well as the services they provide. Usually, a lot of marketing has to be done to attract customers to a hotel as one generally differs very slightly from another in terms of look, comfort, feel and services.
    Not in this case however. All of these hotels have a certain wow factor, being that they are so unique, and this alone helps to market the hotel without having to pay for any advertising campaigns.
    By building such a unique, different hotel, the cost to build would obviously be more than for an ordinary hotel. However, it is this same uniqueness that attracts customers. The hotels may also charge higher prices than ordinary hotels as they are giving their customers a much greater experience. This leads to the hotel becoming 'elite' as not everyone could afford to pay for such an experience. This is another marketing strategy. The eliteness of the hotel will give customers who go there a feeling of wealth and superiority, and many people who desire that feeling will frequent it.
    Minimal money needs to be spent on formal advertising. Having the hotels pictures in magazines, or on websites will create a stir and get people interested in it. A hotel with so much to offer really does not need that much marketing done to promote it as it promotes itself.

  18. Poseidon Undersea Hotel
    Product: The resort is a combination of island villas and undersea suites. It is a luxury resort that has the added advantage of being very unique.
    Place:The resort is located on a private island in Fiji. It is a great location for a tropical vacation with a touch of adventure (undersea living).
    Price: As the resort is very exclusive (private island, undersea living option, and luxury) it needs to be priced in such a way that exclusivity is maintained whilst ensuring that the experience is not reserved for a select few. A seasonal approach to the pricing should also be used. This way, the 'select few' can be well accommodated during high seasons, and the experience can be afforded by 'the rest' during low-medium seasons.
    People: The people associated with this resort naturally need to embody the Poseidon resorts brand: luxury and mystery.
    Process/promotion: A product such as this should be able to market itself well as the undersea hotel is unique. The 'mystery' concept should be used to build an element of intrigue in the product. The points on efficiency, luxury, and comfort should also be well promoted.
    Physical Environment: The resort is already situated in a part of the world that is in high demand for holiday makers: Fiji. Private island living as well as the tropical environment adds to the already unique product.

  19. Ultimately the marketing mix is made up of many various factors with the main ones being:Product,Place,Price,Promotion,People and Process.

    The resort i have chosen is the Phoenix Seagaia resort in Japan.

    Product: The resort caters for various individuals needs by offering several different activities. The indoor beach would be seen as the main focal point of interest to guests but the other facilities such as the golf course, tennis courts or the spa also create an atmosphere and wide range to meet the needs of any individual.

    Place: The resort is situated on the Pacific Ocean in Miyazaki, Japan and has access roads and transport links to all the main cities surrounding the resort.

    Price: The resort could be reasonably priced but I believe caters for the upper-end of the market. The determining factors include demand, supply, economic trends and climates and then finally the pricing would also depend on the seasonal changes and conditions and the pricing of various other resorts offering a similar product.

    People: I would aim my marketing strategy at individuals who have a love for the beach,relaxation or activity. Maybe individuals who are sensitive to the sun and families that are able to afford the travel expenses to Japan.

    Promotion/Process: I would personally promote the resort and all it offers in the form of images of the various activities and facilities as well as a brief description of the resort and what it offers and a map showing its location. I would promote the resort on various internet sites and social media sites such as facebook and youtube as well as run a website for the resort and also place adverts in travel magazines and newspaper inserts. I would also send out discounted packages in newspaper inserts and then potentially hand out brochures. If the capital is available a billboard on a busy highway in the right market may also be a catch to the passing eye.

  20. I choose to market the Ice Hotel in Sweden. My reasons are because in my opinion it is quite unique as compared to the others it seems more unusual.

    Product: This hotel has many interesting aspects for the potential customer. It is made of 6000sq,feet of ice and snow. there are a number of activities one could do, inspite of all the snow.

    Price: The prices are reasonable. The hotel is targeting a upper middle income to a high income clientele. The prices take into account the sustainability of the hotel and the luxury one would be accomodated in.

    Place: The place is unique in that Sweden is not really on most people's dream destinations. It is located in a fully icy place, and it is meant for those who are willing to try something new.

    People: As stated above middle to high income earners.

    Promotion: We would use travel magazines to showcase this "odd" structure and the internet. The internet is the best place to promote a product because most people looking for holiday destinations look there first just to investigate. Pictures on the website of the hotel would be a good visual aid for these potential customers.

  21. This is a very beautiful hotel and the idea is brilliant. To market this hotel I would develop a marketing plan using the 4 P’s of marketing.

    Product: The hotel offers accommodation to the general public. It does so in a unique and very interesting way, it offers accommodation underwater.

    Place: This hotel is on an island found in Australia, it is trenched a couple of meters underwater.

    Price: the prices are seasonal, charges higher rates for peak seasons.

    Promotion: I would say that this hotel promote and advertises its self, I mean who wouldn’t want to visit it if they could afford to.

  22. The easiest hotel to market in my opinion would The Exploranter.

    Living in a time of huge financial constraint, where the majority of the world looks to find "affordable" rather than "innovative" accommodations and create "value for money" rather than "splurge" a travelling hotel meets this ever growing need.

    Essentially in marketing the hotel i would employ this approach:
    1) Product- Rolling Accommodation. Why visit one destination, when you can see a region? why pay for one view when you can get an ever changing perspective?
    2) place: Anywhere you want it to be. Dream to see it, Drive to reach it and sleep within it.
